Male Downy Woodpecker
AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT GALLERY 200 AS OF JANUARY,2025. Please contact me to make sure the painting is still available.
Original oil painting of the male downy woodpecker on a tree. The painting is 8x10x0.5” and framed with a natural oak wood frame, ready to hang. The background is a light blue color.
Please allow 5-10 days for an original painting to ship as it needs to be varnished and carefully packaged for shipping. For international shipping, you will receive a separate invoice - please message me for a quote!
AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT GALLERY 200 AS OF JANUARY,2025. Please contact me to make sure the painting is still available.
Original oil painting of the male downy woodpecker on a tree. The painting is 8x10x0.5” and framed with a natural oak wood frame, ready to hang. The background is a light blue color.
Please allow 5-10 days for an original painting to ship as it needs to be varnished and carefully packaged for shipping. For international shipping, you will receive a separate invoice - please message me for a quote!
AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT GALLERY 200 AS OF JANUARY,2025. Please contact me to make sure the painting is still available.
Original oil painting of the male downy woodpecker on a tree. The painting is 8x10x0.5” and framed with a natural oak wood frame, ready to hang. The background is a light blue color.
Please allow 5-10 days for an original painting to ship as it needs to be varnished and carefully packaged for shipping. For international shipping, you will receive a separate invoice - please message me for a quote!