Roby Throated Hummingbird oil painting
Original oil painting on canvas of a Ruby Throated Hummingbird. The background is dark and the hummingbird seems lit like a candle in the dark.
The size of the painting is 5x5x1.5”
Please allow up to 30 days for the painting to ship. For domestic and international shipping, you will receive a separate invoice - please get in touch for a quote!
Original oil painting on canvas of a Ruby Throated Hummingbird. The background is dark and the hummingbird seems lit like a candle in the dark.
The size of the painting is 5x5x1.5”
Please allow up to 30 days for the painting to ship. For domestic and international shipping, you will receive a separate invoice - please get in touch for a quote!
Original oil painting on canvas of a Ruby Throated Hummingbird. The background is dark and the hummingbird seems lit like a candle in the dark.
The size of the painting is 5x5x1.5”
Please allow up to 30 days for the painting to ship. For domestic and international shipping, you will receive a separate invoice - please get in touch for a quote!