Wilderness Bloom oil painting


Original oil painting of a nude figure in nature/forest setting. The traditional nude figure issurrounded by two small common blue kingfisher birds in the forest.

The painting’s size is 24”x24”x1.5” not framed.

Please allow up to 30 days for an original painting to ship. For a shipping quote, please message me or you will receive a separate invoice after purchase. Pick up options are also available.

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Original oil painting of a nude figure in nature/forest setting. The traditional nude figure issurrounded by two small common blue kingfisher birds in the forest.

The painting’s size is 24”x24”x1.5” not framed.

Please allow up to 30 days for an original painting to ship. For a shipping quote, please message me or you will receive a separate invoice after purchase. Pick up options are also available.

Original oil painting of a nude figure in nature/forest setting. The traditional nude figure issurrounded by two small common blue kingfisher birds in the forest.

The painting’s size is 24”x24”x1.5” not framed.

Please allow up to 30 days for an original painting to ship. For a shipping quote, please message me or you will receive a separate invoice after purchase. Pick up options are also available.

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