Raven oil painting , title “Reverence”
Original oil painting on canvas of two ravens, surrounded by fire-y feathers on blue background.
The painting is 10”x10”x1.5” on canvas. Signed and wired.
Reverence means deep respect for someone/something. Ravens can symbolise love and long lasting partnership.
Please allow 5-30 days for an original painting to ship or be prepared for pickup.
Original oil painting on canvas of two ravens, surrounded by fire-y feathers on blue background.
The painting is 10”x10”x1.5” on canvas. Signed and wired.
Reverence means deep respect for someone/something. Ravens can symbolise love and long lasting partnership.
Please allow 5-30 days for an original painting to ship or be prepared for pickup.
Original oil painting on canvas of two ravens, surrounded by fire-y feathers on blue background.
The painting is 10”x10”x1.5” on canvas. Signed and wired.
Reverence means deep respect for someone/something. Ravens can symbolise love and long lasting partnership.
Please allow 5-30 days for an original painting to ship or be prepared for pickup.