Black Swan Oil Painting Framed
Framed oil painting of a Black Swan Bird. The painting is framed and pinned to the mat board behind it with white pins that compliment the appearance of the painting (see last photo). The frame is spray painted by me in dark blue colors. The painting is painted on black mixed media paper.
Size 9”x9”
Ships 1-5 business days!
Framed oil painting of a Black Swan Bird. The painting is framed and pinned to the mat board behind it with white pins that compliment the appearance of the painting (see last photo). The frame is spray painted by me in dark blue colors. The painting is painted on black mixed media paper.
Size 9”x9”
Ships 1-5 business days!
Framed oil painting of a Black Swan Bird. The painting is framed and pinned to the mat board behind it with white pins that compliment the appearance of the painting (see last photo). The frame is spray painted by me in dark blue colors. The painting is painted on black mixed media paper.
Size 9”x9”
Ships 1-5 business days!