American Goldfinch
Original oil painting of the male american goldfinch on a branch. The painting is 8x10x0.5” and framed with a natural oak wood frame, ready to hang. The background is a light green/nature color.
Please allow 5-10 days for an original painting to ship as it needs to be varnished and carefully packaged for shipping. For international shipping, you will receive a separate invoice - please message me for a quote!
Original oil painting of the male american goldfinch on a branch. The painting is 8x10x0.5” and framed with a natural oak wood frame, ready to hang. The background is a light green/nature color.
Please allow 5-10 days for an original painting to ship as it needs to be varnished and carefully packaged for shipping. For international shipping, you will receive a separate invoice - please message me for a quote!
Original oil painting of the male american goldfinch on a branch. The painting is 8x10x0.5” and framed with a natural oak wood frame, ready to hang. The background is a light green/nature color.
Please allow 5-10 days for an original painting to ship as it needs to be varnished and carefully packaged for shipping. For international shipping, you will receive a separate invoice - please message me for a quote!